Exploring Noma is a film created for Noma and Audi US in collaboration with Jonas Hartz and Fern Film. The film premiered at a dinner event in Los Angeles and was featured on Noma’s and Audi’s social channels.
Directed and edited by Andreas Landgaard
Dop: Jonas Bech Vestergård
Art direction & concept: Andreas Landgaard, Jonas Hartz & WAAITT
1st assistant camera: Lukas Skøt
Production coordinator: Letizia Suenson
Graphic & motion design: WAAITT
Sound design: WAAITT
Soundmix: Kasper Rasmussen, Mikroskopet
Executive producer: Jonas Hartz, Mikkel Kastberg
A Fern Film production
Services: graphic design, sound design, art direction, concept development